and Shugnan itineraries: Shugnan itinerary: I Khorog-Jelondy
– 130kms. On the top of the Bogiv village (Start of the river Bogivdara,
the right tributary of the river Gunt, 9 kms from Khorog) on the rocky
mountains there is the castle, in the lower squares of it there are
two temples of fire situated. It is built round like with niches for
sitting and a place for the priest. There is a sowed in the center.
Three living houses built attaching to temples. The village of Patkhur
(82 kms from Khorog). Here was excavated farmer's house (YI-YII cc.)in
which there was an altar for the fire. Varshez village (100 kms from
Khorog). There were found many settlements of miners and metallurgists,
farmer's houses, mostly connected with silver resources in Bachor
range in X-XI cc. Jelondy – this district is famous for mane medical
thermal springs. Shugnan itinerary : II Khorog-Djaushangoz (136kms)The
road to river Shakhdara. Besides the fascinating beauty, it is interesting
Roshtkala – district center n which there are situated the castle
of Shugnan governor (XVIII-XIX cc) and one more ancient castle. The
Shashbuvad village (118 kms from Khorog). From the road it is possible
to see the well preserved ancient castle on the rock. The valley of
the river Djaushangoz. There is the castle of Derudj (YI-YII cc) 3
kms after entrance to the valley. It closed the entrance to the valley
of the river Shakhdara. This is the place, easy way to there is through
the river Pamir through Mats pass and the valley of the river Tokuzbulok.