The fabled mosques and madrases of Samarkand, Bukhara and
Khiva with their marvelous design and colorful tile work are
Just some of the sites in Uzbekistan linked to the Silk Road.
This country also gave the world Tamarlane, one of the most
legendary of the great Central Asian warriors. Other notables
from history who knew Uzbekistan well were Marco Polo and
Alexander the Great, whose armies smashed through the region
on their way to India. As a hub of trade and cultural exchanges,
Uzbekistan saw travellers from Europe, Arabia, Persia, China,
India, the Caucasus and Mongolia pass through. The fame of
Uzbek cities spread far and wide until even today their names
are synonymous with the exotic and wonderful.
For many centuries, the rulers of what is today Uzbekistan
were a power to be reckoned with along the Silk Road.
From Samarkand, Tamarlane sallied forth to conquer much of
the Eurasian continent and bring back to his capital the most
gifted architects, masons and other craftsmen to add to the
city's grandeur. |
What to See |
- Samarkand, the ancient city of Afrasiab and already an
important settlement in the 1st Millennium, was one of the
jewels of the Silk Road. It was also the home ofTamarlane
whose mausoleum is a major attraction, as is the famous
Registan Square, the Bibi Khanum Mosque and the Shah-i-Zinda
mausoleum complex. Some 15 km outside of town is the Imam
AI-Bulahari Mausoleum, a shrine for the entire Muslim world.
- Bukhara was once known as"the divine" because of the number
of religious schools and mosques there. Besides being a
main trading center, it was a pilgrimage site Muslim visiting
Imam Bakhouddin Naqshbansdin's mausoleum. Its main attractions
include the Ark, where the emirs lived, the UNESCO-protected
Kalyan Minaret and a number of restored madrases in the
old downtown section.
- Khiva was an oasis town on the northern Silk Road spur
on the way to Russia and became known for its artisans.
The entire city has been remarkably preserved and declared
a national reserve. It is like an open-air museum and perhaps
the finest existing example of an old Silk Road city in Central Asia.
- Tashkent, the Uzbek capital, has been a settlement of
some kind or another since the 1st century BC and was largely
rebuilt following a devastating earthquake in 1966. Attractions
include many excellent museums, a number of mosques and madrases,
and the Zangi-ata mausoleum complex.
How to Get There |
Tashkent boasts one of Central Asia s busiest air ports which has flights to many European,
Middle Eastern and Asian capitals, as well as cities throughout
the former Soviet Union and Uzbekistan Samarkand and Bokhara
also have interna tional airports as does Urgench which is near
Khiva All of Uzbekistan's primary Silk Road sites are served
by rail or motor transport as are the secon dary sites.
Where to Stay |
Tashkent has one five star hotel with 120
rooms three four star hotels with 885 rooms and two three-star
hotels with 564 rooms Most of these have conference facilities
There is one four star hotel with 278 rooms in Samarkand and
one three star hotel In Bukhara there is one four star hotel
with 228 rooms and one three star hotel with 183 rooms In
Urgench, serving Khiva, there two three star hotels with a
total of 341 rooms New hotels are under cons truction in all
of the above-mentioned cities with a total capacity of 1,
000 rooms.
Other Important Sites |
- Urgench is the gateway city for those visiting
- Shahnsabz was the birth place and home town
of the great Tamarlane
- The Fergana Valley is a fertile area filled
with orchards, where the Silk Road passes through to Kyrgyzstan
- Kokand is the ancient capital of the local
rulers known as the Khans of Kokand
- Margilan is an Uzbek city with a famous silk
factory still operating today Other Facilities
Location |
The respublic of UZBEKISTAN occupyng
over 447. 400 km2, is the second largest country
in the Central Asia as to the territory. Uzbekistan lies in
the very center of the Central Asia.
This location
predetermined historically its great geopolitical importence
on the major transasian lines of communication between the
East and the West. Uzbekistan border on Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan,
Tajikistan, Kyrghyzstan, Afganistan.
Relief |
UZBEKISTAN covering vast territory
is notable for the extremaly diverse relief: from snowy mountans
to steppes, semidesert and desert.
Klimate |
Climate of Uzbekistan is sharp
Population |
Uzbekistan is a multinational state.
There are over 22. 5 million inhabitans today. Uzbek make
65%, Russia - 25%, other nationalities (over 70) - 15%.
Language |
Uzbek, the official landuage of
the country, belongs to the TURK group. Russan remains the
language of the interethnic communication.
Religion |
Uzbek, the official landuage of
the country, belongs to the TURK group. Russan remains the
language of the interethnic communication.
Capital |
The city of Tashkent with the population
of 2. 7 million inhabitants. |