knot of the massive renges Kokshaal-Too Meridionalny, Sarydjaski,
Tengri-Tag, Inilchekski and Kaindy has the name"MUSTAG" - The
Ice Mountain. The climate is sharply continental, dry and rigorous.
The summer is short, average temperature of 7 centigrade. Central
Tien-Shan is situated in the same latitude as the Mediterranean
Sea. Eastern part of Pamir is Tien-Shan. It is a complex with
the length of 2500 km., which was divided between Kazakhstan,
Kyrghyztan, Chine. The highest peaks Khan-Tengry ( 6992 m.), Pobeda
( 7439 m.) lay on the border of these states. Inylchek (62 km.)
glacier is the most lengthy glacier in this high-altitude region
of Central Asia.
This tour offers you an excellent chance to
get acquainted with the rich history and nature of the Kyrghyztan.
The Issik-Kul lake is huge natural accumulator ( it is called
a mountain sea) determine the unique climate of the whole area.
You can hardly experience anywhere else such a hot mountain sun,
the smell of fir trees and coolness of sea breeze. While travelling
here you will become stronger, healthy, full of pleasant emotions. |