It is situated in the historical centre of Khudjand and is
linked with the Muslihiddin Khujandi, the ruler of the city,
poet, famous sheikh of XII and the beginning of XIII. Mausoleum
is a unique monument of architecture. After its destruction
in XIV and XVI, the new building with the original structure
of Khonako was constructed. After numerous renovations and repair,
mausoleum has another view. It is two storied portal building
with dome, with central two coloured cruciform hall Zieratkhona,
and two coloured cupola Gurkhona.
On Gurkhona in the centre there is wooden threaded headstone
-Sagona, coated with thin geometric threads with flora ornament
on the edges.
Researchers: N.M.Nemtsova (1958), N.N. Negmatov (1965), S.G.
Khmelnitsky (1975)
Gates to Hujand city,VII-XV centuries. Citadel of Khujand
It is located on left bank of Syr-Daria River in the centre of the
contemporary town. According to the manuscripts, Alexander the Great
has build the town within 17-20 days in order to defend from the Sakes,
and it is called Alexandria Eshata In the following historical epochs
it was political, administrative, commercial, economical and cultural
centre of Khujand area in Sugd region. During archaeological excavation,
the cultural strata of VII-XV centuries were found. Medieval gates
- citadel - were restored in 1999-2000.
Researchers academician N.N.Negmatov (1954-1967),
1970-1971, A.I. Bilalov, T.V. Belyaeva 1974-1976, 1978.